Indo-French Sustainable Development Awareness Program towards Global Environment Protection

It is common knowledge that great efforts must be made by all economic actors on how they interact with the ecosystem of which they are part in order to reverse the infernal machine of climate change. This translates into the integration of a development strategy which, in addition to setting financial performance targets, sets social and environmental performance targets.

This responsibility, which is incumbent on us as a company, has become a line of conduct, a differentiation, our DNA. While we are implementing a zero-carbon methodology with a vision of carbon neutrality by 2025, our investment in eco-responsibility does not stop there. Indeed, we have created the ‘PRADEEP GLOBAL FOUNDATION’, an NGO sponsored by PRADEEP SARL, whose vocation is to share and raise awareness of the challenges of sustainable development and the implementation of actions with high environmental values.
For the year 2021, we went to India and developed a specific programme to develop awareness of environmental protection issues. The choice of India echoes what Pradeep is all about: the association of two entrepreneurs, one French, the other Indian, in a project to share knowledge for the benefit of responsible experiences. We have divided this program into 3 main themes:
Raising environmental awareness

In partnership with the 36th Battalion of the National Cadet Corps of the Uttar Pradesh region – which is a tripartite organisation made up of the “young wings” of the Indian armed forces( including the army, navy and air force). Pradeep Global Foundation conducted an awareness campaign on environmental issues. More than 230 cadets were trained in responsible actions and the culture of sustainable development in a broader sense through exchange workshops
Cleaning the Ganges

The Ganges is a 2,525 km long river that originates in the western Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. The river is home to about 140 species of animals, 90 terrestrial and aquatic species, as well as reptiles and birds. Moreover, the Ganges is a sacred river in the Hindu religion, and its devotees flock to it in their millions.

Unfortunately, the Ganges is facing unprecedented pollution with many industrialists dumping their waste into the river, which is having a huge impact on all the local flora and fauna.
With the 36th battalion of the NCC, more than 12,460 kg of waste were collected along the river in the Uttar Pradesh region.

“Reforestation helps fight climate change, uplift communities and restore biodiversity”

Trees benefit India in many ways. First, there is the timber industry, on which India is highly dependent for its development. In 2017, national production amounted to almost 50 million mÂģ of logs, of which only a small part is exported.
Forests are also powerful carbon sinks, more useful than ever for a country as CO2 emitting as India.

Finally, forests are home to a rich wildlife that naturally sustains life cycles and feeds people.
With all this in mind, we and the 36th NCC Battalion planted more than 8,000 trees in the winter of 2021, two-thirds of which were fruit trees.

We are proud to have achieved all the objectives set by our NGO for the whole of 2021 and have already organised our 2022 season. For more information on our actions, please visit our dedicated website: